by Dave Neelsen | Sep 29, 2009 | Video Marketing
Adding video can be the single best way to step-up your website. In a world where a search for “attorney” yields 260,000,000 (that’s 260 million!) results in 0.23 seconds, you have about that same amount of time to capture your visitors’ attention before...
by Dave Neelsen | Sep 28, 2009 | Storytelling For Business, Video Marketing
What can you do better with web video marketing than with more traditional static media? Lots of stuff! Engage Your Customer As we’ve discussed, and as you’ve probably observed yourself, video is more engaging than static images or texts could ever be. Web video is...
by Dave Neelsen | Sep 28, 2009 | Video Marketing
“We wanted to bring new life to our brand message — The Science of What’s Possible,” says Clare Hovan, Manager of Global Branding and Advertising for Waters Corporation (Milford, MA). Clare and her team, headed up by Diane Meador, Senior Director of Worldwide...
by Dave Neelsen | Sep 28, 2009 | Storytelling For Business
Mike Speiser recently wrote on the GigaOM Network that “our short-term memory is widely believed to have a capacity of seven elements, plus or minus two,” which is the reason, Speiser notes, “that U.S. phone numbers have seven digits.” If you connect items (or data...
by Dave Neelsen | Sep 26, 2009 | Social Media, Storytelling For Business, Uncategorized
How many papers do we print out, mark to be read later, or just put aside to get to when we have time? If we are lucky, we may find a chance to look at those papers at some point and if the authors are even luckier we might do more than quickly glance through them. At...