What a great word, Action! In the world of film and video production it harkens to old world images of a director with megaphone and beret shouting action to get the cameras rolling. In the world of brand storytelling the word action takes on its greatest significance once you’ve actually finished the production of telling your story.
You’ve told your story. In doing so, you’ve successfully done your job well and you’ve authentically connected your brands universal values with the needs or desires of your customers. You’ve actually forged emotional connections by offering possible solutions to the real problems of your audience. Well done! Now what’s next?
Having told your brand story well, you’ve laid the foundation for new relationships. From here, your action or actions will determine what’s next, and if the foundation your brand story laid is ready to be built on. Every interaction with your company or organization, whether in social media post, seeing an ad in an unexpected place, or an encounter with your service staff is now seen in respect to the brand story or stories you’ve told.
When your actions are consistent with the values of your story and align with the customer’s goal, you both win. Your customer wins in a trusted relationship with a brand they can identify with and delivers. You’ve strengthened your connection with that customer and likely win a relationship of repeat business.
ACTION! Successful new relationships have been built.